Sunday 21 February 2010

yeah, finally...

Dont know how many people have written their first blog late in the night at 02:41 AM.. but finally I started blogging.. bit strange to start writing a blog on a Sunday night, no I didn't return from a late night party or something.. just finished watching the movie 'Wake up Sid' after I woke up from a short nap in my night shift :D 3rd night shift of the week, 1 more and I'll be done.. guess what Tue/Wed are my offs.. and that proves I work in Support..

So why did I feel like blogging.. hmm.. I never thought of writing a blog about my activities, where and what abouts.. but after watching the movie I felt like scribbling my thoughts and save them for a lifetime. I'm sure I'm gonna cherish this 10 years down the line.. so about the movie.. Aisha aspires to become a writer and she starts writing about herself 'New girl in the city' after she arrives at Mumbai.. I too have this dream of becoming a writer, lyricist and an ad maker.. never tried really hard though.. wish this blog takes me one step closer to what I aspire.. okay.. about the movie again.. thats a very cute movie, and they both look very good together.. cute actually.. lite comedy and lite romance.. good movie.. dont know if it was a hit.. I feel like watching it once more..

so I wanted to be impromptu while creating the blog, may be I felt that'll make it fresh and original.. so named it as midnight blog.. and then tried to give a good name for the blog.. tried the same '' but its not available.. so my freshness and originality ended there.. :D tried many phrases but I think I'm late.. finally I named it as letmeblogdude, and I'm saying this to my buddy Kota, I address him as dude.. and why, coz Kota blogs here..

so those who have read the blog in complete must have noticed a few things.. 1) I use .. very often 2) I'm not very good at English and finally 3) this blog is boring :D..... let be it, I'm scribbling it for myself.. :)

okay let me get back to work, need to work on few master docs and prepare PPTs for the training in B'lore.. by the way I'm gonna see Kota this week.. :D

hey, hang on I just clicked a snap of my work place at this time.. and it just looks messy like this.. and the pic above, that is a self click right at this time.. thats Pavani in the back ground sleeping.. :)